Prof Margaret Hyland joins Trust Board

MBIE's Chief Scientist, Professor Margaret Hyland has been appointed as a Trustee of the RCW Eureka Trust Board.

She has been selected as the Sir Paul Callaghan Trustee to bring to the Trust Board the values and skills portrayed by Sir Paul during his extensive science, technology, teaching and advocacy career.  Previously the position had been filled by Sir Paul's widow, Miang Lim, and then his brother, Dr Jim Callaghan who retired last year.

The Trustees undertook a careful search to identify the right person. 

Professor Hyland holds a Chair in Chemical and Materials Engineering at the University of Auckland Faculty of Engineering.

Board members welcomed Professor Hyland at her first meeting on 12 April and look forward to her contribution to the mission of the Eureka!Trust - To increase young New Zealanders interest in STEM subjects and to foster young leaders who, through their knowledge of science, technology, engineering or mathematics, persuasive communication skills and their entrepreneurial vision, will make "New Zealand, the most beautiful, stimulating and exciting place in the world in which to live

Eureka Trust