Eureka! Scholarship Winners

After a rigorous selection process, our Scholarship sponsors have chosen the students who will receive Scholarships for tertiary study in the years to come.

The Scholarship winners are:

  1. The BECA Silver Scholarship ($2500) will be awarded to the student whose presentation most clearly provides a creative and innovative engineering solution to address issues of economic, societal and environmental value for New Zealand - Maddison McQueen-Davies from Palmerston North Girls High School for her presentation Dealing with climate change - solar roads. Maddison is also a National Finalist
  2. The Earthquake Commission Silver Scholarship ($2500) for the student who presents the most innovative and creative technology and/or engineering solution which addresses issues at the core of the National Science Challenge “Resilience to Nature’s Challenges” - Danny Kivi from Wellington College for his presentation Flexible concrete for quakes. Danny is also a National Finalist
  3. The Department of Conservation Gold Scholarship ($5000) to the secondary school student who presents “the best presentation which identifies the role that science, technology, engineering or mathematics may play in the preservation of New Zealand’s endangered heritage species”. - Louis Davis from Scots College for his presentation Tutu, a solution to the feral goat problem
  4. The Ministry of Social Development Gold Scholarship ($5000) will be awarded to the student whose presentation which, through its understanding of the capacity of science, technology and mathematics to generate critical information for positive social change in an innovative way, demonstrates affinity with the National Science Challenge of “Improving the potential of young New Zealanders to have healthy and successful lives” and the MSD Mission Statement “Helping New Zealanders to help themselves to be safe, strong and independent.” - Amy Cooper from Marsden Collegiate School for her presentation TMS- The Mental Health Solution. Amy is also a National Finalist
  5. The Ministry of Education Gold Scholarship ($5000) for the best presentation by a Maori secondary school student - Hana te Puni from Palmerston North Girls High School for her presentation Crayfish, not just a delica-sea!
  6. The Ministry of Education Gold Scholarship ($5000) for the best presentation by a Pasifika secondary school student - Viki Moananu from  St Patricks College Wellington for his presentation Helping our Homeless through Predictive Analytics
  7. The Federated Farmers (supported by SPS Ltd) Gold Scholarship ($5000) is awarded to the student who presents the best and most creative science and technology-based solution(s) to deliver outcomes which ensure New Zealand maintains a profitable and viable primary production sector while improving the management of land and water quality for future generations - Ellen Zhang from Mount Albert Grammar for her presentation The answer is smaller than you think - Nanotechnology
  8. The Ministry for Primary Industries Gold Scholarship ($5000) will be awarded to the secondary or undergraduate tertiary student who delivers the most innovative and creative STEM solution which addresses an aspect of Ministry for Primary Industries' major systems: Biosecurity, Food Safety, Primary Production - Hana te Puni from Palmerston North Girls High School for her presentation Crayfish, not just a delica-sea!
  9. The Summerset Group Gold Scholarship ($5000) will be awarded to the student who presents the most knowledgeable, innovative and creative presentation focused on the importance of emerging science and technology to meet the objective of the National Science Challenge, Aging Well, which aims to enhance the independence and tino rangatiratanga of older individuals and their whānau, and encourage age-friendly physical environments. It is working to ensure older people continue to live a meaningful life through social integration and engagement, in a society that values their ongoing contributions of knowledge and experience - Sophie Mance from Wellington High School for her presentation Nanomedicine: a novel approach to treating non-communicable diseases
  10. The Oha Honey Gold Scholarship will be awarded to the student who presents the most knowledgeable, innovative and creative presentation focused on the importance of emerging science and technology to meet the objective of the National Science Challenge to develop and produce high-value foods with scientifically-proven health benefits. This Scholarship will focus on results from the transformation from traditional areas of food production in New Zealand - Eira Beverley-Stone from Rangiora New Life School for her presentation Vertical Farming: Food for Thought
Eureka Trust