1. Preamble
1.1. This document sets out the basis of a uniform, equitable and fair set of criteria and processes for:
1.1.1.the entry requirements for all competitions and programmes run in the name of the Eureka Trust (See Appendix One for a list of competitions and programmes run by the Eureka! Trust)
1.1.2.the assessment of entries in non-competitive programmes
1.1.3.the assessment of entries in competitive regional or national programmes where prizes or scholarships are available on the basis of merit
1.1.4.the selection of candidates who should proceed from preliminary competitions to go onto national finals competitions
1.1.5.the selection of students who should receive scholarships, internships or fellowships offered as part of the Eureka! Programme
1.2. A series of schematic plans attached as Appendix Two sets out the sequence of events as envisaged
2. Definitions
2.1. Entrant – a student who has submitted a valid entry form for the Sir Paul Callaghan Eureka! Awards Competition or any other Eureka Programme competition
2.2. Categories – categories of contestants as defined by the Trust on the basis of age, educational year group, whether secondary student or undergraduate student. The categories for each competitive activity shall be defined in the conditions for that activity
2.3. Contestant – a student who delivers a presentation in a Eureka! Competition as an individual or as part of a group of students
2.4. National Finalist – a student who has been selected by the National Finals Selection Panel for the particular competition to participate in the National Finals event
2.5. Presentation – may be:
2.5.1.a verbal presentation using approved presentation software or,
2.5.2.a video recording of the presentation (subject to meeting the Video Standards – Appendix Four) or
2.5.3.a video item which meets the requirements of the competition it is entered for (see Appendix Four)
2.6. Programme – Activities consistent with the objectives of the Eureka Trust and run in the name of the Trust or under the guidance of the Trust
2.7. Region – shall be a geographic region based on university centres or a virtual region (internet or web-based)
2.8. Competition – where contestants shall compete for money or other rewards
2.9. Scholarships – where entrants shall be selected to receive financial support to undertake tertiary study